Rhee Bros, Inc.


2025-1-9 미국/MARYLAND https://www.rheebros.com/
포지션 코드: 461
Worldjob Code : 461
1968년에 설립된 업력 50여년 이상의 미국 내 최대 아시안 식품 그룹입니다. 식품제조/수입/유통/판매 전문기업으로 Rheebros라는 PB상품으로 각종 식품을 유통하고 있으며, 조지아, 필라델피아, 일리노이 등에 아씨마켓을 직접 운영하고 있습니다. 회사는 워싱턴에서 차로 약 30분 정도 거리에 위치한 하노버 시티에 위치해 있습니다. 미국 내 최대 아시안식품 그룹입니다.
$20-$23/hrs (한화 약 5,700만원~6,600만원 내외, 환율에 따라 상이할 수 있음)
Position Information
Position Title
$20-$23/hrs (한화 약 5,700만원~6,600만원 내외, 환율에 따라 상이할 수 있음)
General Responsibilities
채용부문 : Merchandising
The MD Assistant position is responsible for performing all aspects of customer service and support related to our company’s MD infrastructure. Key areas of responsibility include providing end user support for company’s POS systems.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities
• Ensures network uptime via monitoring of usage, maintenance of equipment, regular backups, and proactive problem solving.
• Ensures the company’s confidential data and systems are protected from outside threats.
• Response to “Help Desk” requests in a timely and thorough manner.
• Maintains records and keeps track of all information to create reporting on issues and their resolutions.
• Manages access to company data stored in system databases (e.g., ERP, WMS, etc.,)
• Responds to data requests in a timely and thorough manner.
• Assists in creating reporting for other teams within the company.
• Work with designated project managers and department stakeholders to document work processes and requirements.
• Develops use cases and test scripts
Skills and Qualifications
• Korean language proficiency preferred but not required.
• Strong computer skills and technical knowledge.
• Strong problem-solving ability.
• Excel basics required.

Work Environment
• Must be able to perform duties with or without reasonable accommodation

Education and Experience
• Associate degree or an equivalent level of training or experience.
Working Day
5 Days(Mon~Fri)days
Working Hour
8 A.M. to 5 P.M.hour
Employment Visa Type
J1 Intern
Accommodations Provided
Lunch Provided
Overtime Pay
hourly pay rate x 1.5 x overtime hours with prior authorization.
Company Keyword
우리회사의 장점/분위기
선호하는 인재상
해당 기업에서는 Merchandising 쪽이니 비지니스 혹은 데이터 분석 및 통계를 전공한 지원자를 선호한다고 합니다. (Business Administration, Economics, Statistics, Marketing, Retail Management)

인턴십, 해외인턴연수, 미국취업 등
아이씨엔과 함께라면 가능합니다.